
Emerald City Explorer

Yesterday, Kurt and I spent much of our day together, which was wonderful. I worked at 6 pm and he had the day off, so we got up at 9, ate a healthy breakfast, caught up on Once Upon A Time, then decided to go for a hike. He suggested going to Rite Aid because he had just run out of ADHD medication. That’s reasonable. I had hoped to walk to the beach beyond Big Finn Hill Park and take some pretty pictures, but he needs the meds to get up on time and focus at work. So we walked to Rite Aid. It was actually a really nice walk. We talked, laughed, we held hands. We shared granola bars and water, and pointed out pretty blossoms on trees, exclaiming, “It’s spring!” Once we’d picked up the prescription, we decided to go to Safeway, which was just around the corner…

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Webster’s Wednesday: Infinitesimal

Emerald City Explorer

Wednesday’s theme is words! Where they came from, what they mean, and other interesting facts. Each week, I’ll have a new word for you! So let’s get on with it!

One day, my friend Katharine and I found ourselves participating, quite by accident, in a trivia night at a bar. It was the University District Wing Central, and we arrived just in time to fill out answer sheets for the last 2 rounds out of 8. We did okay. We got 7th out of 12 teams. Okay, I guess that’s really good for only doing 2 rounds. There were 3 answers that we got that no one else did, one of which was about a word.

The question: What 13-letter word means a very small amount, but inside it is a word that means the opposite?

Our answer: Infinitesimal. Katharine suggested it, and I wrote it down and confirmed that…

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Krisko Disko

I know this is a few years old, I feel the topic is worth bringing up again. This is a message from a group of fundamentalist Christian men telling women how to dress and act. (Of course it’s men, why would women be consulted when discussing how women should act?) Watch it at your own peril. If you can make it through the entire video without attempting to cause yourself or your computer bodily harm, you’re a better person than I. You’ve been warned:

For those of you who chose (wisely) to not listen to this drivel, or to those who perforated an eardrum part way through, I’ll go over some highlights.

The video is a bit of a slide show going on while pastor C.J. Mahaney discussed how it was the woman’s responsibility to dress modestly because apparently the good pastor apparently can’t stop thinking with his dick.

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REAL Christians

Krisko Disko

I know it’s a tired argument to anyone who has ever argued with a firm believer in one thing or another. But I’ve heard the argument dozens of times in the last week, so it seems like as tired as it may be, it’s still got enough energy to power a facepalm.


The classic example of this is the No True Scotsman Fallacy. The story goes that one entire group of Scottish men can be discounted entirely, because no TRUE Scotsman would wear underwear under his kilt. When discussing religion, it’s often used to shift goal post. If I were to bring up the example of Ted Haggard spending years with a gay prostitute while publicly preaching against homosexuality, a Christian can discount him by saying “He’s not a REAL Christian, because no real Christian would cheat on his wife / perform homosexual acts.” So in one fell swoop we…

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My husband is not my soul mate.

The Art in Life

It might seem odd that on this, our one-year anniversary, I am beginning a post with the declaration that my husband is not my soul mate. But he isn’t.WegmannWedding161

I wouldn’t want to imagine life without James. I enjoy being with him more than anyone else in this world. I love him more than I ever thought you could love someone, and I miss him whenever I am not with him. I wouldn’t want to married to anyone else other than James, which is good, because I plan on being married to him forever, and he has to let me die first.

But I reject the entire premise of soul mates.

WegmannWedding294Do you remember those awesome Evangelical 90’s/ early 2000’s where Jesus was kind of like our boyfriend and we all kissed dating good-bye because we just knew that God was going to bring us THE ONE and then life…

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